
Fortified Spouse

Picture of young couple having difficulties in relationship

A few months ago, I was involved in an interview that was live on a podcast. We had about 1000 people listening in. At the end, most people were hanging up.

But two guys, Sally and Wendy stayed on. Sally was going on about how there was no way she was willing to pay anything for some stupid marriage advice! She said she could work it out himself.

She was quite angry and spent several minutes fussing at me (after listening in to an hour of information at no cost). And she hung up. I knew she was just upset from her marriage problems, so I didn’t take it personally.

Wendy was a little different. She said she really wanted her marriage. She was desperate to make a change. Wendy told me how she was not sleeping well, had lost 10 pounds in a month, woke up with her jaws hurting, and hated coming home. She was, in her words, an absolute mess. She told me that for some time, she just did not see how she could go on.

Then she told me how, in the middle of my interview, she had decided that she was going to skip a few meals out (she wasn’t enjoying them, anyway), a few runs to Starbucks, and she was going to join Fortified Spouse Program.

I congratulated her on taking action.

I noticed that within 1 hour, she had, indeed, joined the program. Wow! She really had taken action. Not just talk about wanting to make a change, but real action!

Fast forward 6 months. On Monday of that week, I got an email from Sally. She apologized for being angry, then told me she had been knocked to her knees. That morning, she had been served divorce papers. Her attorney promptly asked for a $4,500 retainer. She noted that was about 100 times the cost of my ebook.

On Wednesday, I got an email from Wendy. She and her husband had spent the morning talking with their minister about a recommitment ceremony. Both were thrilled! Wendy noted that she went to sleep easily now, woke up rested, her head didn’t hurt much anymore, and she was looking forward to coming home to her loving husband.

Two women that both started out at the same point. From there, each chose a very different path. One persisted in staying stuck, using the same thinking that had gotten her stuck. The other realized she needed a different perspective — and she needed a plan — then she acted on that realization. She took action.

And it made all the difference in the outcomes between these paths.

Wendy and Sally were about the same in every other way. The difference was a choice that each made.

Not a big decision, but one that changed both of their lives forever.

It’s a decision that you won’t regret!