
Fortified Spouse

Triggers Anger Frustration and Crazy – What To Do When Your Wife Is Sharing

In this episode we are going to talk about what is really going on behind your wife’s sometimes crazy mood swings and emotional roller coaster and how you as a man should handle this but more importantly appreciate where it is coming from. Remember that I have talked about that the most important thing for […]

Differences between Feminine and Masculine and What it means to be Masculine

Understanding the differences between the feminine and masculine role is imperative for any Man to truly understand their wife. They will gain deep insight as to why she expresses herself the way she does. It will also give you clarity as to what it really means to be masculine and they are not the common […]

4 of the Worst Communication Mistakes

Bad communication is a big contributor to marriage failures. Not communicating correctly especially over time can and will lead to a deterioration in the marriage. In this episode we explore the 4 most common communication errors so that you can see if any of them apply to you in your marriage.

Wake Up! You Come First (Raw)

In this episode, I emphasize the importance of having a vision, one exercise to help you endure the pain more productively, and how to find and EMBRACE your new self that your children will admire. “The vision is determined by how far you want to take it.”. I talk about why you need to make […]

When Do You Throw In The Towel?

So even when we grow weary and tired, when there’s that piece of us, it’s still saying is there something more I can do? That’s the spirit talking. And if you can sit down and really think about it, and realize there’s not, that’s an okay place to be. Sometimes it’s worthwhile to realize there […]

EGO Is Not Your Amigo

A big EGO and a healthy relationship do not go hand in glove. Most often, we let our pride or EGO to take over the relationship. We think that we are already smart enough to even listen to other people. We think that we are better than other people and feel we have nothing more […]

Being Responsible For Your Own Confidence

In the beginning of your relationship your wife really respected it and admired you. She saw you as bigger than you actually were. All of that built up your confidence. It had you feeling powerful and confident that you could conquer anything. But now that she wants a divorce, a separation or does not want […]

Owning Your Stuff – Taking Responsibility

This podcast is all about taking responsibility for your side of the failure of the marriage. A lot of men really struggle with this because they don’t either want to take responsibility or they really don’t understand what they did to contribute to the failure of the marriage. When we’ve been hurt, it’s easy to […]

Restoring the Marriage – What You are Really Up Against

One of the main reasons why marriages fall apart is because people really do not understand the root causes of the failure. They believe that it is the other spouse’s fault or attempt at Band-Aid solutions that never fix the marriage. They only prolong the misery and breakdown. In this episode we describe what it […]

From the Brink of Divorce to Happily Ever After – The Stages

There are stages to restoring a marriage, especially if the marriage is at rock bottom and heading for divorce. Each stage is imperative and cannot be jumped over before truly finishing that stage. One cannot be intimate if the other spouse will not talk to them. It is that simple. Understanding these stages will take […]