
Fortified Spouse

Sometimes in life, we do things that make other people mad.
And then they shun you…which isn’t always a bad thing.

Unless it’s your spouse.

Personally, I think it’s great because it’s a complete waste to spend time with people who don’t accept you or believe in you or love you for who you are…

In other words, go where you’re celebrated, NOT where you’re tolerated.

This logic works for most relationships…except your marriage.

Life is too short to spend it within an unhappy/unhealthy marriage.

We need to change that…NOW!


Don’t worry…I’ve got you covered on that one. 

However, never be afraid to tell your spouse the hidden, subconscious emotions and feelings you have because you never know when they may need to hear it.

It draws them closer to you…and that pushes away those people who don’t love and accept you for who you are.

And that makes life a whole lot better in every aspect!

In short – lead by example.

Most women and men don’t do that.

And THE BEST way to start leading by example for your spouse is to see is by getting mentoring from like minded women and men who have been through what you are going through.

Realize the impact you can have on your legacy and your family simply by clicking on the link and begin to learn how to save your marriage.
 The ball’s in your court.