
Fortified Spouse

Is your marriage on life support?  You keep watching as the life slowly leaks away from your relationship.  Maybe you feel powerless to turn it around.  But is it too late?
When a marriage gets into trouble, there are 4 distinct levels to the crisis.
Here are the 4 levels:
1)  Marriage Issues:  This comes along early in the relationship, when the fundamentals aren’t addressed.  Beliefs and expectations keep tripping up the couple.
2)  Marriage Problems:  Issues aren’t solved.  So, now there is hurt.  Then fundamentals were never solved, and issues were never solved.  This leads to the hurt.
3)  Marriage Crisis:  The hurt from unresolved problems has led to anger and resentment.  Both are feeling less motivated to do anything.  Both resort to finger-pointing and blame.
4)  Marriage Disaster:  One or both have given up, and apathy is replacing the anger.  Blame is the predominate interaction.
Sometimes, people believe that things are improving, but they are really falling into disaster.  Learn the 3 reasons for this, along with what to do at each level in this week’s podcast below.