
Fortified Spouse

You have arrived at that point.  You know you are not doing all you can and being all you can be.  It is time for a change.

Perhaps with hat in hand, you sit down with your spouse and let your spouse know, in your most sincere and concerned voice, that you know you have fallen short.  You know you can do better. . . and you promise to change.

What you expected was a spouse who is supportive and hopeful, smiling at you, and proud of your efforts.

What you get, instead, is anger and frustration.  Maybe it is the silent treatment.  Or maybe it is yelling.  Through clenched teeth, you may hear your spouse say, “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU.”  Or maybe, “We’ll just see about that.”


You feel shot down.  Maybe hopeless.  That did not play out the way you thought it would.


Don’t blame your spouse.  Choose to fix it.  Choose to make the change.
