
Fortified Spouse

Many men and women make the mistake of saying:

“When I do _______, then I can do ______.”

Once I finish my schooling, then I can relax.

When I get my finances in order, then I’ll take a vacation.

When I lose the extra weight, then I’ll go for a hike in the mountains.

When that promotion finally comes, then I’ll invest in that program.

Once my credit cards are paid off, I’ll be able to do XYZ.

When my bank account is fuller, then I’ll pursue my purpose in life.

This is a destructive habit that is rippling out and damaging your marriage.

Most people fail to understand that the very thing that they’re avoiding is the exact same that they NEED to do.

You need to hike that mountain to help you lose weight.

You need to get on the phone with me so I can help you save your marriage.

You need to pursue your passions if you want to become happier.

You need to invest in that program if you’re going to get that promotion.

You need to attend that dream seminar so you can learn to get your finances in order.

But most people make the mistake of thinking completely opposite of how they should be thinking.

This is a tricky little game that your mind is playing to make you think that you’re going to get a handle on everything…eventually.

But the truth of the matter is that you probably won’t EVER get a handle on these things…just like you don’t have a handle on your marriage.

Let’s change that because you deserve the marriage you’ve always dreamed of.

You deserve that!

Your spouse and kids deserve that.